
17 posts

Seminar in Business Studies – First Experience

The from February to May this year I have been teaching in “Seminar in Business Studies” a bachelor course (HA – 4. semester). The course represents a teaching and form of learning where a group of 12 students with one or more teachers discusses selected issues and problems in management science. First the student should write a 10 page report on a specific subject. The report should provide the possibility of in-depth studies of theories, models and methods in management science. While writing the report he can use the assigned advisor for at most 1.5 hours. Second the student, 2 weeks after delivering the report, should give a 10 minutes presentation about their report. Afterwards there is time for 30 minutes of discussion and last 5 minutes for giving a grade. I was assigned 59 students in 6 groups. In 4 of the groups I was the only teacher. In […]

How to replace cows optimally

The 16th of October I gave a presentation to a group of students at KU Life about optimal replacement policies for dairy cows based on daily yield measurements. A hierarchical Markov decision process is used to solve the problem. The following downloads are available: presentation – handouts (2×2) – animation 1 2 3

EURO Summer Institute 2009 (ESI 2009)

Aim of ESI 2009 is to bring together young scientists with academic experts on OR methods besides the development of applications for Agriculture, Forestry and related industries of the primary sector. Anders Ringgaard Kristensen and I will the first day talk about Markov decision processes (MDPs) for sequential decision problems in agriculture and forestry. First the theory of MDPs will be presented and next I will give an introduction to my new MDP package in R. The files needed for the exercises can be found here.

New educations

After the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences joined University of Aarhus there have been much activity developing our new bachelor and master degrees. The last months I have been involved in creating new courses in statistics and management science. The degrees will be offered from the autumn of 2008. Their contents are now in the final stages of preparation.